Wild Summer, Wild Ales
“To experience a very good Wild ale is an intellectual feat, and given the complexity of producing a Wild ale as opposed to a ‘clean’ beer, expresses itself in your glass.“
“To experience a very good Wild ale is an intellectual feat, and given the complexity of producing a Wild ale as opposed to a ‘clean’ beer, expresses itself in your glass.“
A September filled with art, culture, music, food and lots of good mood in the City of the seven hills – Plovdiv!
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Getting to climb the career hierarchy or build a family inevitably exhausts a significantly important resource – time. Haven’t you noticed the more we need it the less we find it. Still the few minutes we spare are strictly prioritized with what should I get for lunch rarely among the highest ones. Often it’s something…
If anyone could ever explain the sudden mood changes humans have, they’d probably start a revolution. Imagine a world, where nobody’s mood is affected by the bad weather or men and women could easily understand each other, using only a few words! We all think our mood depends mostly on our attitude towards the world,…