Three podcasts about restaurants, food, and hospitality
I love podcasts and it isn’t an overstatement. Mostly because they provide an easy way to follow a topic not only by trends or news stories but also through in-depth analysis and entertaining discussions. The various platforms that offer streaming and downloads of podcasts make sure it’s easy to listen to them practically anywhere from…

BACCHUS: Bar and Restaurant of the Year 2018
Bacchus, the magazine for wine and gourmet culture, is the organizer of the competition “RESTAURANT OF THE YEAR BACCHUS, ACQUA PANNA & S.PELLEGRINO”. The solid past, including 17 editions, through which the team has gained experience and expertise, ensures that this is the biggest and most prestigious event in the culinary calendar in Bulgaria.
In 2019, besides restaurant of the year, “BAR OF THE YEAR BACCHUS” will be also announced. The events will be held in two consecutive evenings on 30 and 31 March at Sofia Event Center. In the following lines, we share more information and reveal some interesting facts.

Wild Summer, Wild Ales
“To experience a very good Wild ale is an intellectual feat, and given the complexity of producing a Wild ale as opposed to a ‘clean’ beer, expresses itself in your glass.“

7 in the City of the 7 Hills: The Festivals in Plovdiv in September 2018
A September filled with art, culture, music, food and lots of good mood in the City of the seven hills – Plovdiv!

Watch The World’s 50 Best Restaurants live from Bilbao (updated)
One of the most acclaimed restaurant rankings – The World’s 50 Best Restaurants will announce this year’s list at a ceremony on 18 June. What to follow Eleven Madison Park was the winner last year but with four months renovation works last year and the steep competition their top spot is far from secure this…

Beat the System
Get every Boom! Burger for just 11.99! You can get the deal any weekday from 16:00 to 19:00, all you need to do is book in advance with dineout.bg or our mobile apps both at Boom! Burgers and Boom! Burgers and Booze. Additionally, every time you use Dineout to book a restaurant you earn points….

Ideas for Christmas Gifts
Finding the perfect gift for every occasion is a daunting task, especially in the event-packed month of December. Here comes the Dineout list of successful gifts for everyone who has got it for the finer things in life. 1. Gift card for a fine dining restaurant A Gift card that is flexible enough to…

(BG) Изкуството да правиш хляб
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(BG) Under Cover | Ресторант Хемингуей Варна
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StrEAT Fest – the first gourmet street food fest in Sofia
Closing the gap between haut-cuisine and street food is one of the tendencies we follow closely. It’s not uncommon for a top chef to reserve an area at their restaurant and offer a more relaxed dining experience or even open a food stand right across the street. This sort of attitude is slowly coming our…

(BG) Dineout на път: Берлин
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(BG) Under Cover | Brick Café Bar and Dinner в София
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(BG) Лятото върви с коктейл
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(BG) Общо кра(ф)тно или някои добри бири за това лято
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(BG) Градините на София (2 част)
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(BG) Градините на София (1 част)
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(BG) Седмица на ресторантите: Черно море
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(BG) Бургери за ценители
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(BG) Under Cover | Ресторант “Антре” Бургас
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(BG) Хитрите реклами на ресторанти за бързо хранене
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(BG) Яйцата – какво не знаем за тях?
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(BG) Седмицата на ресторантите – българска кухня от бъдещето
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(BG) Бакхус Ресторант на годината – церемония на сетивата
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(BG) Новият кулинарен пътеводител на Мишлен за 2017
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(BG) За 8-ми март
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(BG) Подари добрите ресторанти
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(BG) Тракийската низина е в топ 10 винени дестинации
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(BG) За добрата бира
Днес разговаряме с Мартин Евстатиев, а той разбира от бира. Мартин стои зад онлайн магазина Brewforia, където подбира интересни, различни и самобитни бири от някои от добрите пивоварни по света. Можеш да го срещнеш по време на честите представяния на интересни бири, които организира, където непринудено и компетентно ще ти разкаже за вкусната напитка. Преди…

(BG) Един по-различен Свети Валентин
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(BG) Кои са най-добрите ресторанти и барове в София?
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(BG) Идеи за коледни (гурме) подаръци
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(BG) Aubergine представя новата крафт бира EVOÉ
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(BG) Никулден – идеи за празника
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(BG) На гости: Наливно ми е
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(BG) Да вечеряш в ресторант на Мишлен за $1.85
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Beaujolais Nouveau
At one past midnight on the third Thursday of November millions of bottles of a young wine set off from small towns and villages in Beaujolais, France. They’re all to be greeted in Paris and the rest of the world with a “Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé” (Fr.: The new Beaujolais has arrived).That extraordinary wine…

(BG) Наръчник за японски специалитети
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(BG) 10 неща, които трябва да знаете за японската кухня
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(BG) Франческо Тонели – шеф готвачът с фотоапарат в ръка
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(BG) По света, но у нас – световната кухня на наша територия
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(BG) Барбекюто – верен другар на добрия кулинар
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(BG) Един ден в ресторант Ментор
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(BG) Морско гастрономско пътешествие (част 2)
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8 white wines and food pairing to enjoy
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(BG) Морско гастрономско пътешествие (част 1)
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Eating out with business partners
Lunch or dinner wth business partners have both grown into our business culture and became an essential part in any negotiations. And that responsibility can even bring more fun if you get to show around someone who’s never been around. So take the time and plan ahead: Explain Bulgarian tradition Lunch in Bulgaria isn’t as…

Fast and healthy food on the go
Getting to climb the career hierarchy or build a family inevitably exhausts a significantly important resource – time. Haven’t you noticed the more we need it the less we find it. Still the few minutes we spare are strictly prioritized with what should I get for lunch rarely among the highest ones. Often it’s something…

The streets of Sofia – new and old: Rakovska
Rakovska is one of the longest streets in the heart of Sofia, the street of theatres and the Opera house. It winds around Alexander Nevski cathedral, crosses the yellow pavement section of the centre reaches all the way to the other end of downtown. The street has been a home for art dating back to…

(BG) Морето в нашата чиния
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(BG) Един ден с: Павел и Smuggler’s Diner
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(BG) Как да се насладим на вечеря в ресторант, ако сме с децата
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5 rules of hydration during summer
Who doesn’t love summer – long days, sunny and warm weather, drinking cocktails on the beach. Still, the one thing about summer that isn’t that pleasant is the heat. Around noon my warm feelings towards the sun are gradually getting colder, because I feel like I’m going to literally melt down, can’t breathe and just want…

(BG) Новите стари улици: Оборище
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The secret gardens of Sofia
With summer comes that special time when restaurants open their wonderful (secret) summer gardens and challenge us to create more memories, accompanied by good food and sweet talks. Good food awakens all the senses – our eyes, our sense of smell and that of taste. But those favorite places of ours, where we like to…

Food for a good mood
If anyone could ever explain the sudden mood changes humans have, they’d probably start a revolution. Imagine a world, where nobody’s mood is affected by the bad weather or men and women could easily understand each other, using only a few words! We all think our mood depends mostly on our attitude towards the world,…

Dineout Club – the more you book, the more you get
From June 1st you can redeem the points you’ve collected when booking your table with Dineout into a voucher at your favorite restaurants that are part of our system. Dineout is growing and so are the opportunities it gives you – there are more and more restaurants you can book so quickly and easily online….

Crème de la crème
The French are simply kings and queens in the kitchen and as such there’s no surprise that they’ve come up with the recipe of the crème de la crème – the crème brûlée. The French have left a footprint in the culinary history that is so impressive, it could never disappear. From gourmet kitchen to eating…

Pasta perfetta!
Everything you see, I owe to spaghetti! This quote by Sophia Loren proves that Italians not only know how to appreciate themselves, but also their food. The beauty of Sophia Loren is just as classic as the pasta for Italy. It’s been cooked for hundreds of years already, every minute, not only in its homeland,…

Get the best of your burger
My first encounter with a really good burger was in the States, probably the best place to discover it. Ever since I’ve been enchanted with the amazing beef patty, placed in a freshly baked bun and yes, I find it one of the best things ever created. Finding good places to enjoy a perfect burger…

Sushi Etiquette
Sushi is one of the many examples of the devotedness to small details, beauty and perfection that’s so common for Japanese culture. On the other hand the time and effort that preparing sushi consumes simply requires appreciation by tho one enjoying it. And because sushi is one of my personal favourites I gathered some of…

(BG) Закуска за шампиони
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7 simple rules to follow at the dinner table
Honestly I’ve often thought dining etiquette is reserved for those restaurants that make you wait a month for reservation and get you table ware you barely know how to call. Time has taught me though that table manners are just a way to show appreciation to the other guests and to those who worked hard…

14 places to check out for 14 February
Romantic getaways are probably some of the memories we cherish the most. And it only makes sense that that St. Valentine’s became a widely celebrated festive in Bulgaria right away, despite that its Catholic origins. It’s little known that there is not one but three saints behind that day. Or that there were pagan celebrations…